Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Toronto police urged to stop immigration 'status checks'

Despite “Sanctuary City” status, Toronto Police made almost 3,300 calls to border officials in eight months — and 83.4 per cent were “status checks,” says a new study.

Supporters of a sanctuary-city motion raise their arms in victory as the vote is announced in a city hall debate in 2013 in Toronto.
Supporters of a sanctuary-city motion raise their arms in victory as the vote is announced in a city hall debate in 2013 in Toronto.
Toronto police regularly initiate contacts with Canadian border officials to check on people’s immigration status in violation of Toronto Council’s Sanctuary City policy, a new study claims.
During an eight-month period between last November and June this year, the Toronto Police Service made 3,278 calls to Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), 83.4 per cent of the calls were for “status checks,” said the study, titled Often Asking, Always Telling, to be released Wednesday.
“The broad criterion of ‘officer suspicion’ is fertile ground for the practice of racial profiling. This is not a matter of a few exceptional circumstances of certain individual officers, but instead a systemic problem in policy,” said the study led by University of Ottawa criminology professor David Moffette.
“Given the frequency of the deeply embedded practice of racial profiling and its link to the numerous calls made . . . we must conclude that the TPS are not by any means an accessible service to black and racialized groups with precarious or no status in Toronto.”
In June 2014, Toronto Council passed recommendations to give the city’s estimated 200,000 non-status residents access to city services without fear of being turned over to border enforcement officials.
The study said the practice by the TPS contradicts the directive; it asks the city to urge TPS to develop a comprehensive “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy and stop checking a resident’s immigration status during interactions or disclosing that information to their federal immigration counterparts.
TPS spokesperson Mark Pugash said the force has adopted the “don’t ask” policy, but the law has obliged officers to inform border enforcement if they become aware of an immigrant warrant against an individual in the course of their interaction.
“The conclusion (the researchers) reached mystified me. The report is long on insults and accusations but short on evidence-based conclusions,” said Pugash, who has directed staff to look into the study’s data.
According to the 48-page report, based on data obtained under an access to information request to the border agency, CBSA received 10,700 calls from all Canadian law enforcement and transit agencies during the eight months — including 4,392 from Greater Toronto police authorities.
With 3,278 calls, the TPS made more requests to CBSA’s Warrant Response System — which allows law-enforcement authorities to inquire if a person of interest faces any outstanding immigration warrants — than the RCMP (1,197) and the combined total from police services in Montreal, Quebec City, Ottawa, Calgary, Edmonton and Vancouver.
Overall, 72 per cent of the calls were listed for “status checks,” with the rest under warrant inquiry and previously-deported-person inquiry, as well as photo and fingerprints requests.
“This shows the consistent practice of ‘asking,’ that is, inquiring about the immigration status on an individual even when no immigration warrant appears on the CPIC (Canadian police central data base),” said the study, prepared for No One Is Illegal, a grassroots advocacy group for migrants.
On Wednesday, a council committee is scheduled to get an update from city staff on undocumented residents’ access to municipal services and to hear the study’s recommendations.
The Source:

Just how stupid are we?

It is understandable that Canadians expect proper vetting for the 25,000 Syrian refugees. Most Canadians want to know who is living next door. This is reasonable.

Now have a look at the attached article from today’s Toronto Star.

  • There are an estimated 200,000 illegal workers in the City of Toronto. This does not include Mississauga, Pickering, Oakville Hamilton, York Region and the rest of the GTA. 300,000 is a reasonable number for Ontario

  • Toronto and Hamilton, without provincial sanction, have both decided to become vigilantes. They are committing a crime by openly declaring themselves to be “sanctuary cities”. Our cities have gone rogue by showing the finger to Ottawa. Ottawa has gone rouge by refusing to even identify the 300,000. If you or I tried to emulate our governments, we would be behind bars

  • Toronto police are being accused of trying to identify, but not even vet,  the  1 %  of illegal workers who come into direct contact with police

So, on the one hand we have a high profile, national interest, orderly queue of 25,000 fully vetted Syrians soon to be spread over the county.

On the other hand we have over 110 times more unvetted illegals on the GTA’s buses every day.

Unlike Syrian refugees in UN camps, the GTHA’s illegal are not even identified.

Unlike Syrian refugees in UN camps, Ottawa refuses to vet skilled trades workers who are standing legally in the FSTP landed immigrant queue.

In summary, Ottawa:

  •  Refuses to identify 300,000 illegals.

  • Refuses to vet those skilled trades workers who want to stand in the queue

  • Ignores the existence of the skilled trades worker queue.

I’m not making this up.

Ottawa is in Federal Court fighting our attempt to get some of our trades clients vetted.

Ottawa is pushing our trades workers out of the queue in the hope that that they will be deported because they fell out line.

The Federal Court has ordered that Ottawa is acting in bad faith by refusing to vet the workers who are patiently standing in the Federal Skilled Trades Worker Program queue.

The Federal Court has ordered Ottawa to get ready to pay the unvetted workers their damages for waiting in line while Ottawa refuses to vet.

Rather than simply vet successfully established trades workers, Ottawa has decided to spend tax dollars allowing the workers to sit on Italian and Portuguese beaches in lieu of standing in the FSTP queue.

Since no one can believe that we as a society can be so stupid, the obvious question is to look for any possible explanation or excuse.  

Here it is: Most of the 300,000 unvetted folks are European. Most have family in the GTA.

It’s all about greed trumping fear.

We are conditioned to fear Muslims. Witness Jason Kenney’s performance.

Canadians are not threated by Europeans. Especially those European skilled trades persons whose skills can be exploited. 

Most, if not every, family in the GTA has a family member, a colleague, an employee, a customer, a contractor or neighbor who is European, skilled, illegal and unvetted. 

An orderly, vetted queue of skilled Europeans could mean higher construction, food service and mechanic costs.

The solution to possible higher costs is to squeeze our illegal neighbors and cousins. The key to squeezing is to keep them illegal. The key to keeping them illegal is to find any excuse, such as language, to force them out of any immigration queue.       

Thus, the answer to the question is:

We are not stupid… just conveniently mean, smug and self-serving.

The problem with exploitation and greed is that they provide only immediate gratification.

At the end of the day, the 300,000 will leave Canada and the 25,000 will quickly become 300,000. Which, given our proven inability to do the right thing, may not be such a bad thing.
 Exploitation and greed…what goes around, comes around.    "
Richard Boraks, November 24 2015

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Portugal and Pensions

I was in the Acores for a few days trying to figure out if former workers in Canada were interested in applying for their union pensions.

The response was interesting.

On the one hand, the workers want their money. 

On the other hand, they do not want to apply for their money 

Initially , the response makes no sense. 

After speaking with the workers, their families and friends it is clear that the workers want nothing to do with Canada . 

Canada has become a bitter memory for those who were kicked out or voluntarily left a country where they had lived in dignity .Their  bitterness has turned into apathy. 

If they just wanted the money, the workers could have gone to England or Germany.But they wanted more for themselves and their children . They wanted the ability to prove that they could work hard and contribute to the Canadian dream of respect and fair play. They played by the rules . They paid consultants and lawyers . They filed applications.They  paid their taxes. Their kids went to school. The law said that they had to prove their establishment . 

Then , overnight , Canada changed the rules. 

Embittered , many returned to Portugal. 

They don't care that Canada owes them money .They want their lost time back . They want to know why their dreams were crushed and their hard  work was belittled.They want to know why their Canadian established children are unhappy. They have yet to come to terms with their humiliation.

They don't believe that any Canadian is capable of fair play.

Filling out another application form for money brings back memories. 

  Eventually , most workers will  do the logical thing and ask for their money.

Not only the workers live the bitterness/apathy. Every Acorean has  family in Canada.
Every Canadian family feels their shame and hurt .They have no explanation to offer their relatives in the Acores. 

Many homes in the Azores used to fly Canadian flags . The flags represented a deeply held respect for Canada's sense of fair play. 

There are no Canadian flags flying today in the Acores.
Richard Boraks, November 12 2015

Advogado canadiano nos Açores para ‘encorajar’

 antigos trabalhadores sindicalizados no Canadá a

 reaverem dinheiro das contribuições

Toronto, Canadá, 07 nov (Lusa) – O advogado canadiano Richard Boraks disse à agência 
lusa que vai estar nos Açores entre hoje e 11 de novembro para “encorajar” antigos
 trabalhadores sindicalizados no Canadá a reaverem o dinheiro de contribuições efetuadas.
“Foi-me dito pelas autoridades canadianas que há entre oito a dez mil antigos trabalhadores
 sindicalizados que regressaram aos Açores nos últimos vinte anos. Pretendo encorajá-los
 a reaverem o dinheiro dessas contribuições”, disse Richard Boraks.
O advogado especializado em imigração vai ao arquipélago açoriano aconselhar os
 ex-trabalhadores que eram sindicalizados, de que podem requerer o dinheiro de
 descontos das pensões, independentemente de terem trabalhado “ilegalmente” no
 Canadá ou com o cartão de contribuinte “de uma outra pessoa”.
Boraks considerou que a iniciativa é uma forma de pressionar o governo federal 
canadiano a disponibilizar mais vistos para os trabalhadores estrangeiros ilegais e
 disse esperar que o novo governo federal liberal (centro – esquerda), que tomou
 posse em 4 de novembro, terá uma “maior abertura” do que o anterior (conversador) 
sobre questões de imigração.
O advogado lançou a iniciativa em agosto passado, havendo já 20 requerimentos 
de antigos trabalhadores, dos quais três já resultaram no reembolso das contribuições.
Alguns sindicatos devolvem 100% das contribuições anuais mais juros, que podem 
ser significativos, enquanto outros sindicatos descontam e pagam 47% sem juros. 
Antes de os trabalhadores portugueses obterem o dinheiro, o Governo canadiano 
deduz 25%.
O advogado vai estar hoje na Ribeira Grande (S. Miguel), seguindo 
depois para Rabo de Peixe (S. Miguel). No dia 9 de novembro estará na ilha do Pico,
 encontrando-se a preparar também uma deslocação à ilha Terceira.
Os portugueses e luso-descendentes residentes no Canadá estão calculados em 
cerca de 550 mil, a grande maioria localizada em Ontário.

Monday, November 2, 2015


Attention Employers
Representatives from the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program will be attending Destination Canada this year and employers can now post jobs, for free, on the Destination Canada website. Employers can also attend the event in person. 
Destination Canada is a job fair held each year in France and Belgium. Job seekers attending Destination Canada are pre-screened based on their qualifications for the jobs being posted. If you have job openings you can post those openings now on the Destination Canada website:

For more information please review the attached brochure or contact parisdestinationcanada@international.gc.caor visit
À l’attention des employeurs
Des représentantes et représentants du Programme ontarien des candidats à l’immigration assisteront à Destination Canada cette année, et les employeurs peuvent maintenant afficher gratuitement des emplois sur le site Web de Destination Canada. Les employeurs peuvent également assister à l’événement en personne. 
Destination Canada est un salon de l’emploi qui a lieu chaque année en France et en Belgique. Les personnes à la recherche d’un emploi qui y assistent font l’objet d’une présélection pour les emplois affichés, en fonction de leurs qualifications. Si vous avez des possibilités d’emploi, vous pouvez les afficher maintenant sur le site Web de Destination Canada :
Pour de plus amples renseignements, veuillez consulter la brochure ci-jointe, ou communiquer ou bien visiter

"New government... more insanity

I realize that it’s only Monday November 2, 2015.

We won’t have new Immigration Minister until this Wednesday.

But wow.

Look at the lunacy that Jason Kenney has dropped on this government’s plate.

Ottawa is inviting employers, including my clients, to Paris and Belgium. The idea is that Canada will blow millions of tax payer dollars pushing unwanted French speaking cement finishers and pizza chefs on my GTA employers.

I’m not joking… just what GTA employers need … French speaking trades workers with no Canadian experience or even a proven desire to stay here.

These are the same governments that are deporting my GTA employers’ successful Italian speaking pizza chefs and my successful Portuguese speaking cement finishers.

We elect these clowns so that they can spend our money on behalf of French  head hunters and other fee suckers to get rid of French workers lacking the brains, balls or qualifications to simply get on an airplane and find a job. Adding insult to injury, the same clowns in Ottawa use even more tax paying dollars deporting already established tax paying GTA workers who are crucial employees to tax paying GTA Canadian employers. 

Jason Kenney left this government with quite the legacy of stonewalling legitimate trades employers. Now we get his good bye present … Ottawa deporting Italian, Portuguese and Polish workers in order to create a market for hustlers in France and Belgium.

This has nothing to do with addressing Canada‘s legitimate language policies. It’s all about a few people scamming a lot of your money. 

Let’s see how the new guys react.  "
Richard Boraks, November 2 2015