Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Immigration as an instument in the political struggle

Source: Newspaper Corriere Canadese Feb 26,2014

Source: Newspaper Corriere Canadese Feb 26,2014

Source: Newspaper Corriere Canadese Feb 26,2014
Source: Newspaper Corriere Canadese Feb 26,2014

Monday, February 24, 2014

News #7 Feb 24, 2014- Portuguese / English

Source: Feb 24, 2014
Os portugueses "serão elegíveis após seis meses de trabalho para receber o estatuto de residente permanente através do Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program", disse o cônsul honorário naquela cidade, Paulo Jorge Cabral.
Uma delegação de 20 empresários canadianos, e de origem portuguesa, desloca-se a Lisboa, de 18 a 20 de fevereiro, para avaliaram os candidatos, num recrutamento que terá lugar nas instalações de Xabregas do Instituto de Emprego e Formação Profissional.
Segundo o diplomata, que também virá na comitiva, os trabalhadores pretendidos na província devem ser qualificados em áreas "como a construção civil, jardinagem, manutenção de edifícios, transportes e hotelaria", para a área metropolitana de Winnipeg, uma cidade com cerca de 800 mil habitantes.
"O verão aqui (Winnipeg) é muito quente, o inverno é frio, mas é seco, é uma área muito sustentável com um custo de vido dos mais sustentáveis do Canadá", enalteceu Paulo Cabral.
Outra das vantagens do processo é a inexistência de intermediários, já que todo o processo é tratado diretamente com o governo provincial, empresário e IEFP, e assim "não há hipóteses de burlas".
Os candidatos, com idades compreendidas entre os 21 aos 45 anos, devem possuir passaporte português e serem elegíveis para o visto de trabalho no Canadá, com habilitações académicas e competências profissionais e com pelo menos um ano após o ensino secundário, ou cursos profissionais, onde apresentem os respetivos certificados.
Além disso, devem apresentar pelo menos cinco anos de experiência a tempo inteiro no ramo e, sendo não exigido para a entrevista, precisam de fazer o teste em inglês (IELTS), conforme os requisitos indicados nas ofertas de emprego disponíveis.
Não basta aos candidatos comparecer no local, primeiro terão de efetuar a carta de apresentação do currículo, obrigatoriamente em inglês para o governo de Manitoba ( e para o centro de emprego de Lisboa (, com a referência da oferta a que se está a candidatar e apresentando a expressão "Portugal 2014" no título do mail.
Na resposta do Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program, ser-lhe-á solicitado o preenchimento de um questionário. Caso a candidatura seja aceite, será informado a hora e dia da entrevista. Só os candidatos notificados é que é que poderão participar na ação de informação e recrutamento. Os salários serão pagos de acordos com as regras governamentais.
Aqueles que não forem selecionados para a entrevista, caso pretendam, poderão candidatar-se ao programa provincial, enviando o seu currículo para o ministério da Imigração de Manitoba.
Calcula-se que existam em Manitoba cerca de 30 mil lusodescendentes e portugueses, a grande maioria de origem açoriana, que estão "bem integrados" na comunidade local, exercendo profissões nas várias categorias, desde empregados na construção civil, a médicos, professores e advogados.
Source: Feb 24. 2014

"The Portuguese community in Ontario is asking a simple question:

Why is the Manitoba government travelling to Portugal to recruit 100 Portuguese construction workers at the same time that tens of thousands of established Portuguese construction workers in Ontario are facing removal?  
 The answer is quite simple.
 The below charts confirm Ottawa’s policies to:

  • Grow Western Canada  through foreign workers at the same time that the GTA and Ontario are to be denied skilled workers 
  • Ethnically cleanse the GTA’s job sites of Southern and Eastern  Europeans 
 Ottawa justifies its discriminatory policies by claiming that that Ontario’s industrial sector is in trouble.
 The reason Ontario is in trouble is because governments, including Ottawa, are dictating economic policies which destroy business.
 The Canadian Federation of Independent Business has called Ottawa’s latest LMO /visa policies the “worst business decision since 2006”.   
 Ottawa’s ludicrous foreign worker policies have less impact in Alberta etc simply because Ottawa has granted Western Canada generous quotas to get around the federal lunacy.
 The reason Ottawa gives generous support to Alberta etc is because Ottawa is now run by Albertans for Alberta … they have built their fire wall."
Richard Boraks Feb 24, 2014

News #6 Feb 24, 2014

Source: Feb 21, 2014

Employment Minister Jason Kenney has made two more concessions in his negotiations with the provinces and territories over the controversial Canada Job Grant, CBC News has learned.
Kenney sent the provinces his final offer on Friday in which he agreed to give the provinces maximum flexibility in the way the grant is funded and delay the start date by three months, from April 1 to July 1, according to a source close to the negotiations.
In the provinces' counter-offer to Kenney, obtained by Radio-Canada, they asked Ottawa to allow them to choose where the money for the grant would come from. 
The federal government currently gives the provinces $500 million a year in funding under existing Labour Market Agreements, but Ottawa wants to take $300 million of that and put it toward the creation of the Canada Job Grant.
As CBC News reported on Feb. 4, the provinces have suggested the grant be funded through various funding streams including the Labour Market Agreements, the Labour Market Development Agreements, and other sources of revenue including their own.
Their counter-offer also asked Ottawa to give them more time, an additional six months, to implement the grant which the government wanted to have up and running by April 1. In Friday's response, Kenney has offered to delay the start date by three months.
Not only did Kenney have to take the offer to cabinet, he also had to convince other players to agree to the "huge" concessions, a source close to the negotiations told CBC News.
While the minister was not immediately available for comment, his press secretary confirmed Kenney's final offer was meaningful enough the government hopes it will lead to a deal.
"The federal government has significantly restructured its proposal based on provincial feedback," Alexandra Fortier, told CBC News on Friday.
"We are hopeful that an agreement can be reached on the Canada Job Grant, to ensure skills training actually leads to a guaranteed job and employers are investing more in job training," Fortier said.
Kenney has given the provinces until the end of the month to accept or decline his final offer.
The federal minister made his first concession in December when he agreed to fund the provinces' share of the grant, contributing up to $10,000 of the $15,000 grant.

Provincial ministers to discuss Kenney's offer

While CBC News has not seen a copy of Kenney's final offer, several provinces said they had received it and were in the process of reviewing it.
In a telephone interview with CBC News on Friday, B.C. Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training​ Shirley Bond said she had received the offer and even had a chance to speak briefly with Kenney about it on Friday.
Bond said her department will spend the next day or two analyzing the offer and its implications before consulting with her provincial counterparts in a conference call "early next week."
"We are cautiously optimistic," Bond said.
Brad Duguid, Ontario's minister of training, colleges and universities, said his government was reviewing the offer to see what implications it would have on skills training programs that serve "vulnerable workers."
"We look forward to providing further comment on this once we have gained a thorough understanding of the offer and have had the opportunity to consult with provincial and territorial counterparts," Duguid said in a written statement Friday.
Allen Roach, the P.E.I. minister responsible for overseeing the grant, said "I look forward to reviewing and discussing it with my provincial and territorial colleagues, as well as with our respective premiers."
Roach thanked Kenney for his "ongoing engagement and collaboration" on this file.
The office for Quebec's Minister of Labour Agnès Maltais told CBC News on Friday it had not been privy to Kenney's final offer.
A source close to the negotiations said that's because discussion between the federal government and Quebec are ongoing.
The Quebec government made it clear from the get-go it was only interested in renewing the terms of the Labour Market Agreements which are set to expire on March 31, but wanted nothing to do with the Canada Job Grant.
As indicated in this month's federal budget, in provinces where a deal can not be reached, the federal government will go ahead and implement the grant on April 1 directly through Service Canada
Quebec called this measure a "threat." - 
Source: Feb 21, 2014

"Jason Kenney’s failed Job Grant Program is a main justification for Jason Kenney’s failed trades immigration policies.Kenney’s plan is that he will train so many Canadian tradespersons that Canadian employers will no longer require foreign workers.
His goal is laudable.
He wants to achieve his goal by giving employers $10,000 of taxpayer money for every worker that an employer commits to train. 
Jason Kenney has actually “guaranteed “ that employers will train and then hire workers because of his $10,000.
Kenney is so sure that GTA employers will train qualified workers at the bargain price of $10,000 that he wants to make sure that all Italian, Portuguese and Polish workers are removed from Canada in order to make way for the promised wave of newly trained Canadians. 
Although Kenney’s stated goal is politically shrewd, his management logic is straight Monty Python.   
Legitimate employers will never turn down a committed young labourer or unskilled worker with a strong work ethic. 
There is not a legitimate trade’s employer in the GTA who will fall for the $10,000 and then look for an unemployed Canadian who needs upgrading. Employers will train a committed worker, with or without the $10,000. The problem is to find unemployed Canadians with the required work ethic. 
Small and medium sized legitimate employers will not even waste their time filing out the forms for the $10,000.
Ever since government shut down vocational schools in the 1970’s, it is employers who have been doing the trades training. The only folks who benefit from tax funded scams are the scammers, both inside and outside government.
The $10,000 will find its way into the pockets of scammers.
It is a given that the same officials, and their families/friends who scammed “immigration resettlement “ money will now set up front companies and siphon off the $10,000.
Just as federal immigration resettlement money gave us nothing by an industry of politically “entitled” community paper pushers, so Kenney will now give us an industry of federally financed unemployables.
What he did for the GTA’s trades immigration, Kenney will now do to skills training 
In the short term, Kenney plans to go into the next election as the wonder boy who saved and then created Canadian jobs. 
After 2015, Ottawa will acknowledge that its Jobs Fund needs more time and more money to become effective.
The Jobs Fund will fail at the same time that Italian. Portuguese and Polish tradespersons are being removed .They will have to be replaced. Ottawa will declare that an IELTS exam will be required to work in the trades.
Commonwealth recruiters will make big money.
Perhaps this is what the game is all about."

Richad Boraks, Feb 21, 2014 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

News #5 Feb 19, 2014

Source: Newspaper Corriere Canadese Feb 19, 2014

Source: Newspaper Corriere Canadese Feb 19, 2014

Source: Newspaper Corriere Canadese Feb 19, 2014

"Headline: “Chris Alexander does not understand the country”
Comment: This story will not go away. Minister Alexander accused the City of Hamilton of not understand immigration laws. In response, the City of Hamilton accuses the Minister of not understanding the country.
Alexander must worry that local governments are ignoring the rule of law. The integrity of the system is at risk. 
Over the years I have learned that people in public life are generally good advocates of their interests and values.
The cities of Hamilton and Toronto have an interest in maintaining local economic and social cohesion.
Minister Alexander sees himself as representing interests which include Alberta, Ireland, England and France. These interests do not care that through its immigration policies that Ottawa has seriously disrupted:
  • The balance in Ontario’s union-employer relationship
  • Ontario’s economic well being
  • The core principle that immigration policy cannot be based on a government’s ethnic preferences
The cities of Hamilton and Toronto are to be commended for doing the courageous thing. " 
Richar Boraks Feb 19,2014

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

News #5 Feb 18, 2014

Source: Newspaper Corriere Canadese Feb 18, 2014
Source: Newspaper Corriere Canadese Feb 18, 2014

"The headline reads: “Immigration, Hamilton provokes Ottawa”

The City of Hamilton is a conservative, increasingly dynamic city with large populations of Italian, Portuguese and Polish employers.

When Hamilton openly shows its mistrust of anti European and anti business immigration policies then something is happening."
Richard Boraks, Feb 14, 2014

News #4 Feb 14,2014

Source: Newspaper Sunnews Feb 14, 2014

Source: Newspaper Sunnews Feb 14, 2014

"Chris Alexander should wake up and smell the coffee.
 Alexander hasn’t quite figured out that GTA employers don’t want to see their best workers deported to Italy, Portugal and Poland etc.
 During his time in Kabul and Moscow, Chris Alexander learned that there are consequences when the central authorities lose control of powerful local governments and the federal enforcement apparatus.
 When the most powerful economic region in Canada refuses to acknowledge the rule of federal law then there is a problem.
 When his own enforcement staff in the GTA ignores his office, then there is a big problem.
 Minister Alexander simply refuses to understand that he has lost touch with reality. The GTA is telling him that his government is a menace to the local economy and local values.
 Chris Alexander has to decide. Does he represent those local employers who need their Italian, Portuguese and Polish workers or has he become Jason’s Kenney’s, and Alberta’s , cheerleader"
Richard Boraks, Feb 14, 2014

Hamilton is set to become only the second "sanctuary city" in Canada.

What does that mean for current residents?

source: Hamilton Doesn't Understand Immigration Laws: Minister

Thursday, February 13, 2014

CIRV Radio - Portuguese

News #3 Feb 13, 2014

Source: Newspaper Corriere Canadese Feb, 13 2014

"Mr. Di Santo, the writer of this article is a well known, experienced Canadian who has served at senior public policy levels. His article is an exceptionally blunt assessment of the government having ethnic specific, un Canadian motivations concerning immigration policies."
Richard Boraks, Feb 13, 2014

News #2 Feb 12, 2014

Source: Newspaper Corriere Canadese Feb, 12 2014

Source: Newspaper Corriere Canadese Feb, 12 2014 

Source: Newspaper Corriere Canadese Feb, 12 2014


"This article does a fine job desorbing the difficulty faced by one young Italian couple in Ontario trying to obtain an LMO"
Richard Boraks, Feb 12,2014

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

News #1- FEb 11,2014

Source: Newspaper Corriere Canadese Feb, 11 2014
Source: Newspaper Corriere Canadese Feb, 11 2014


"The point of this article is that the federal government favours every part of the world over Europe and that within Europe, Italy, Portugal etc are low on the list.

The article confirms that Italy and Burundi are tied at 613 immigrants each.

The article also confirms that most foreign workers come from the Asia Pacific region followed by Africa and the Middle East."   
Richard Boraks, FeB 11, 2014

Monday, February 10, 2014

Picture of the Meeting on , Feb 6 2014



Mr. Santos
Mr. Luis Pavao

Mr. Bento

Italian NewsPaper Corriere Canadese

Source: Newspaper Corriere Canadese Feb, 7 2014

Source: Newspaper Corriere Canadese Feb, 7 2014

Meeting #1

Notes for meeting: February 6, 2014

Point # 1: Is it worth fighting with government on this issue?

  • Many workers are serious about wanting to stay legally
  • Many employers and unions are serious about getting out of the illegal worker tradition

Point # 2: Chances of success

Although there are never guarantees of success, the following is clear:

  • The cost of doing nothing is very high
  • Straight forward political action usually produces some positive results 
  • We are not alone. We are blessed with a good team.

Point #3: Who can pressure?

  • Media support
  • Community organization support
  • Business and union support
  • Individual Canadian family support

Point #4: Going Forward: What can be done by employers?

  • Support worker and community meetings (invite politicians)
  • Ask media , unions  and local community organizations for support
  • Ask workers and families to email politicians
  • Telephone and meet politicians
  • Continue to file LMO applications... government cannot think that it can crush the employers despite the advertising rules.

Portuguese NewsPaper ABC

Source : Newspaper ABC, Feb 10 2014

Source : Newspaper ABC Feb 10 2014


Since 1975 our office has been an advocate for Ontario business and skilled trades workers as they regularly come to terms with Immigration Canada's chronic inability to deal with labour force realities in the nation’s largest economy.

Ottawa has three general principles when dealing with worker immigration.
First, government is obsessed with balancing and maintaining the 25 %( French)-75% (English), linguistic nature of Canada. Workers from India, Ireland, England, France, Burundi, Seychelles, Haiti and Tunisia are linguistically good.

Second, Ottawa does not care that it is killing Ontario business. Language trumps economic survival. Productive tax payers from Italy, Portugal and Poland are linguistically bad and therefore expendable.
Third, since Ottawa is presently run by Albertans for Alberta, employers in that province are not subject to Ottawa’s linguistic contortions.

Meanwhile, business in Ontario has to survive. As a rule, Toronto business has survived by ignoring Ottawa .Toronto hires tens of thousands of illegal workers simply because Ottawa has no idea as to how to educate young Canadian trades persons or any desire to provide legal papers to proven European skilled workers.

After 30 years of benignly ignoring Ontario’s work places, government has now declared war on Ontario trades employers. 
Government’s latest absurdity is a concerted, full scale attack on the ability of Ontario business to choose their own workers.

Starting in 2015, Immigration Canada will dictate to Ontario business which workers are acceptable to government, not the employer.
By manipulating language requirements , government will allow Ontario businesses to select between English and French speaking candidates with nice ,and largely fictitious , resumes from third  world counties .They will have no Canadian work experience .They are a proven drain on the Canadian economy. Business will not hire what Ottawa will select.

Most successful, legal and illegal foreign workers in Ontario are from places like Italy, Portugal, Poland etc. They will be effectively banned from continuing to work for established employers. Ottawa does not want their taxes or their proven skills.

In 2014, government will accelerate the process to force Ontario employers to lose their legal, qualified European workers. Shortly thereafter, the illegal qualified workers will be removed. There will be no one to take their place. Businesses will close.

Government’s justification for this latest round of linguistic, ethnic and commercial cleansing is it's professed commitment to a politically and corruption driven skills training plan which is doomed to fail. 
In summary, Ontario business is facing a clear and present danger from the federal government.
Our office is taking a lead position in lobbying government on behalf of Ontario trades employers.

We welcome your support. We welcome your participation in the discussion.