Monday, February 10, 2014


Since 1975 our office has been an advocate for Ontario business and skilled trades workers as they regularly come to terms with Immigration Canada's chronic inability to deal with labour force realities in the nation’s largest economy.

Ottawa has three general principles when dealing with worker immigration.
First, government is obsessed with balancing and maintaining the 25 %( French)-75% (English), linguistic nature of Canada. Workers from India, Ireland, England, France, Burundi, Seychelles, Haiti and Tunisia are linguistically good.

Second, Ottawa does not care that it is killing Ontario business. Language trumps economic survival. Productive tax payers from Italy, Portugal and Poland are linguistically bad and therefore expendable.
Third, since Ottawa is presently run by Albertans for Alberta, employers in that province are not subject to Ottawa’s linguistic contortions.

Meanwhile, business in Ontario has to survive. As a rule, Toronto business has survived by ignoring Ottawa .Toronto hires tens of thousands of illegal workers simply because Ottawa has no idea as to how to educate young Canadian trades persons or any desire to provide legal papers to proven European skilled workers.

After 30 years of benignly ignoring Ontario’s work places, government has now declared war on Ontario trades employers. 
Government’s latest absurdity is a concerted, full scale attack on the ability of Ontario business to choose their own workers.

Starting in 2015, Immigration Canada will dictate to Ontario business which workers are acceptable to government, not the employer.
By manipulating language requirements , government will allow Ontario businesses to select between English and French speaking candidates with nice ,and largely fictitious , resumes from third  world counties .They will have no Canadian work experience .They are a proven drain on the Canadian economy. Business will not hire what Ottawa will select.

Most successful, legal and illegal foreign workers in Ontario are from places like Italy, Portugal, Poland etc. They will be effectively banned from continuing to work for established employers. Ottawa does not want their taxes or their proven skills.

In 2014, government will accelerate the process to force Ontario employers to lose their legal, qualified European workers. Shortly thereafter, the illegal qualified workers will be removed. There will be no one to take their place. Businesses will close.

Government’s justification for this latest round of linguistic, ethnic and commercial cleansing is it's professed commitment to a politically and corruption driven skills training plan which is doomed to fail. 
In summary, Ontario business is facing a clear and present danger from the federal government.
Our office is taking a lead position in lobbying government on behalf of Ontario trades employers.

We welcome your support. We welcome your participation in the discussion. 

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