Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Why Trudeau will lose his majority

The next Federal election is in 2019. Things change.

But I’ve been knocking on doors since John Diefenbaker. Once the die is cast, it’s done like dinner.

Trudeau will not repeat a majority because he is breaking this nation’s iron electoral law … don’t ignore a bloc of 18 MP’s when your majority is 14. And don’t pretend that they’re not a bloc.

 It’s OK to piss off 18 caucus members. But it’s not OK to ignore them. It’s worse when you ignore their issues because you don’t like them.  It get’s down right dangerous when you take their politeness and loyalty for obsequies behavior or  simply stupidity. Put simply, you ignore them, their constituencies ignore you.

Trudeau’s Canada does not include Southern Europeans. There is not one Cabinet Minister of Italian, Portuguese or Greek heritage. Their issues are ignored. Their talents are dismissed. They are humiliated. They will not survive re-election .

Trudeau is what Quebeckers call “Pure Laine” . These superior folks don’t like any “foreigner”. They fear the children of uppity European Catholics . People like Trudeau assured that European Catholics traditionally found more acceptance in Orange Lodge dominated Ontario than in Quebec.

Plus qu’il change ….

So be it.     

Richard Boraks, January 8 2018