Monday, September 18, 2017

Trump 800,000
Trudeau   0

Ottawa has a big immigration problem.

The American decision to legalize 800,000  undocumented young people while severely cutting refugees quotas  has put a gun to Ottawa’s head on immigration policy.

The western world is dividing into two sides on immigration. Ottawa has to choose sides.

On the one hand we have England and the US. After Brexit and Trump, the English speaking Group of 5 is walking away from 30 years of mass, cheap undocumented workers and alleged refugees. The English speaking world is not anti-immigration. It is against the counterproductive chaos of illegal and poorly vetted immigration. Basically, the English speaking world is going back to pre 1980’s law and order immigration.

Meanwhile after 30 years of well-regulated borders, Europe is being bullied by Germany into accepting mass, uncontrolled migration of cheap labour from both within Europe and from Africa/ Asia.  

So the question is: Will Ottawa join the Group of 5 or Germany?

My own feeling is that Ottawa will officially refuse to choose sides. Instead we will hear fairy tales about Canada continuing on a “successful middle path”.

We will see Trudeau assuring Gutierres, Renzi and the Group of 5 that Canada has a fair, balanced, open and carefully vetted immigration policy. Later this year, we may even hear some fiction about Ottawa studying the undocumented worker “opportunity”.   

In reality, Ottawa’s middle path will be code for staying its course. This means that:

  • Ottawa will continue to provide immigration “Law and Order” for its chosen few from France, England and their former colonies

  • The rest, including Italians and Portuguese, will fight for scraps as they face apartheid conditions in the GTA’s 500,000 strong undocumented labour force

Thank you Ottawa .

Richard Boraks, 14 September 2017
Immigration as an art form

The above Toronto star article finally explains the relationship between good immigration public policy and art.  

Ottawa is now working with the Ontario College of Art and Design (OCAD) in managing our nation’s immigration process.

About time. Now that senior Immigration bureaucrats have achieved an 85%  client satisfaction rate , it’s time for OCAD to give advice on how design can deal with the other 15%.    

I look forward to the Used Car Dealers Association of Ontario running the refugee program. Or how about the Newfoundland shrimp processors giving advice on the GTA’s undocumented worker file?

And here I was worried that Ottawa was going out of its way to shaft Italian and Portuguese workers. Now I’ll simply call OCAD and design a solution.

Thank you Ottawa.

Richard Boraks, 12 September 2017

Monday, September 11, 2017

Americans look for solutions
 Trudeau avoids solutions

Everyone should watch this short video to see how Americans are struggling to find solutions for children who have grown up in the United States without papers.  

Meanwhile, in 2015 the Supreme Court of Canada ordered the Canadian government to make a permanent resident of each and every child who has strong roots in Canada and would suffer if deported. This includes children of Italian and Portuguese skilled trades worker parents who came here legally and  paid taxes.

The kids went to school, legally. They played hockey, legally. They followed the Leafs, legally. They lost all connection with Europe, legally.

What crime did the parents commit that justifies the children’s deportation?
Answer: The father could not score enough points on the absurd immigration language exam.  

So what does Trudeau think of children, the Supreme Court and his father’s Charter of Rights?

Why not ask the kids that Trudeau has been deporting?

Richard Boraks, 8 September 2017
Trump is more liberal than Trudeau

The Canadian media is claiming that President Trump plans to deport 800,000 young established Mexicans while Prime Minister Trudeau’s Senator, Ratna Omidvar, wants to bring 30,000 of President Trump’s young Mexican illegals to Canada.

Sen.Omidvar says:

“Canada should welcome up to 30,000 DACA young people facing deportation in U.S… America's loss could be Canada's gain,

Here’s what’s really happening:

Trump has made a deal with the Democrats .He wants Congress to legalize the 800,000 young Mexican illegals as part of a larger immigration program. If Congress does not pass the laws then the President will find a way to legalize the 800,000.

Meanwhile, in Canada:

  • Before the October 2015 election, Trudeau said that he saw an economic opportunity in Toronto’s skilled, undocumented, mostly young Portuguese and Italian trades workers.

  • On December 23, 2016 Trudeau announced a Pilot Project for some undocumented Portuguese and Italian trades workers.

  • By September  2017 Trudeau has not processed one Italian or Portuguese undocumented worker .But his Minister, Ahmed Hussen, is playing footsie with thousands of  French speaking, welfare bound  phony refugee Haitians while his Senator Ratna Omidvar wants to replace tax paying successfully established  Italians and Portuguese with undocumented Mexican citizens from the US


Trump is looking for way to change the laws and legalize young Mexicans.

Trudeau is looking for ways to ignore the law and deport young Italians and Portuguese.

Yesterday I predicted that udeuathe Canaain media and media

Trump, Trudeau and the Rule of Immigration law

Today, President Trump will be attacked in Canadian media for keeping his word and enforcing American immigration law by closing the door to successfully established young people.

Today, Canadian media will continue to ignore Prime Minister Trudeau breaking both his word and Canadian immigration law by refusing to consider the applications of successfully established trades worker families.

As a lawyer, I can at least understand the American motivation, if not the result.

What I can’t understand is Mr. Trudeau getting away with breaking the law by refusing to even open files for tax paying Italian and Portuguese trades workers ,and their children, while at the same time encouraging a small army of  social welfare gouging phony refugees to enter the country illegally.

I guess that speaking French has its benefits.


Richard Boraks, 7 September 2017

Friday, September 8, 2017

As Predicted

As predicted, the Canadian media is encouraging a Trudeau senator for wanting to bring 30,000 of President Trump’s young illegals to Canada.

Sen. Ratna Omidvar of Ontario says :

“Canada should welcome up to 30,000 DACA young people facing deportation in U.S… America's loss could be Canada's gain,

So let me get this straight?

  • Before the October 2015 election, Trudeau saw an economic opportunity in Toronto’s skilled, undocumented Portuguese and Italian trades workers.

  • On December 23, 2016 Trudeau announced a Pilot Project for some undocumented Portuguese and Italian trades workers.

  • By September  2017 Trudeau has not processed one Italian or Portuguese undocumented worker file .But his Minister, Ahmed Hussen, is playing footsie with thousands of  French speaking, welfare bound  phony refugee Haitians while his Senator Ratna Omidvar wants to replace tax paying successfully established  Italians and Portuguese with undocumented Mexican citizens from the US

Thus, the question:

What is the difference between Stephen Harper/ Chris Alexander and Justin Trudeau/ Ahmed Hussen?  


Yesterday I predicted that udeuathe Canaain media and media

Trump, Trudeau and the Rule of Immigration law

Today, President Trump will be attacked in Canadian media for keeping his word and enforcing American immigration law by closing the door to successfully established young people.

Today, Canadian media will continue to ignore Prime Minister Trudeau breaking both his word and Canadian immigration law by refusing to consider the applications of successfully established trades worker families.

As a lawyer, I can at least understand the American motivation, if not the result.

What I can’t understand is Mr. Trudeau getting away with breaking the law by refusing to even open files for tax paying Italian and Portuguese trades workers ,and their children, while at the same time encouraging a small army of  social welfare gouging phony refugees to enter the country illegally.

I guess that speaking French has its benefits.


Richard Boraks, September 6 2017

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Trump, Trudeau and the Rule of Immigration law

Today, President Trump will be attacked in Canadian media for keeping his word and enforcing American immigration law by closing the door to successfully established young people.

Today, Canadian media will continue to ignore Prime Minister Trudeau breaking both his word and Canadian immigration law by refusing to consider the applications of successfully established trades worker families.

As a lawyer, I can at least understand the American motivation, if not the result.

What I can’t understand is Mr. Trudeau getting away with breaking the law by refusing to even open files for tax paying Italian and Portuguese trades workers ,and their children, while at the same time encouraging a small army of  social welfare gouging phony refugees to enter the country illegally.

I guess that speaking French has its benefits.


Richard Boraks, September 5 2017