Thursday, July 7, 2016

Europe’s problems = Canada’s opportunity

As is the case with millions of Canadians, most members of my extended family either

have or qualify for European or British passports. Clearly, the bonds between Canadian

families, and their businesses, with the EU-Britain run wide and deep.

The time is opportune for Ottawa to, again, simply step aside and allow families and

business to bring over our European - British cousins and employees. This is one of those

times in history that call for less control by the state in the social and commercial

development of the nation.

Ottawa should welcome the opportunity to once again leave selection, settlement and

retention to families and businesses.

This suggestion is hardly novel. In fact, the novelty lies with the recent, and failed, concept

that bureaucrats sitting behind computers should control the visa process to the

exclusion of families and businesses.

I’m in Canada because my uncle sponsored my mother. My cousin is here because my

mother did the sponsoring. There were no fancy immigration programs. No cost to the

taxpayer. The state was not involved expect to confirm that everything was kosher.

Everybody happy.

  •  The state stepped aside to allow a million Hong Kong folks to secure themselves

against 1997.

  •  The state stepped aside during the communist era to allow mass sponsorships of

east Europeans.

  • The state stepped aside in the 1960’s allowing construction and other trades

companies to land hundreds of thousands of Europeans.

  •  Clifford Sifton stepped aside at the turn of the last century and allowed the rail

company to build the west.

Let’s simply go back to the future. Nobody loses. Everybody happy.

The only losers will be the policy control freaks with nice offices and fancy titles. These

are the bureaucrats who attend meetings and impress each other. For some unexplained

reason, they actually believe that they are necessary in the nation building process.

Richard Boraks, July 6 2016