Tuesday, April 26, 2016

                                          Mea Culpa

    I made a mistake in cutting the Minister some slack

Earlier this month I wrote about Minister McCallum hiring more staff to process the FSTP program.

I was wrong.

In fact, Minister McCallum has reduced the projected FSTP staff from Chris Alexander’s numbers … not that I believed Mr. Alexander’s projections.

Jason Kenney started the program with no public budget for FSTP dedicated staff.

The number was then increased to 2.

In his last budget Alexander asked for 7.

In his first budget, McCallum got 4.

By comparison, Ottawa finds the money for over 20 officers to process Quebec’s business immigration program.

I’m sorry for the mistake.

I’m even more sorry for the real numbers.  
Richard Boraks, April  15 2016

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

An opportunity as the EU desperately turns the screws on Canada Immigration

The EU has decided to spend another three months thinking about whether to impose visas on Canadians.

The next three months provide an opportunity for both sides to deal not only with the visible problem of Rumania and Bulgaria but with the underlying mistrust in many European countries concerning Ottawa’s exclusion and exploitation of European workers. 

Both sides should step away from the brink and deal with substance, not posture.

There are two overriding aspects to the visa discussion that go well beyond Rumania –Bulgaria.

  • Canada’s introduction of the electronic authorization visa system assures that Canada has imposed an Australian- American de facto global visitor visa system. The 5 Eyes have spoken. Europe will eventually be forced to do the same thing. The world is building walls. It’s sad, and wrong, but it’s done.

  • As Canada builds walls, it will be interesting to see if there is room for labour mobility or whether formal exclusion and practical exploitation of European workers will continue. If there is no commitment to labour mobility, then CETA falls before ratification or collapses after ratification 

Thus, the real question: Is Canada Immigration for or against CETA?

If Canada Immigration is serious about salvaging CETA then:

  • Canada must start the process to clean up the mess

  • Europe will accept that Canada needs time to clear up the 30 year old mess with undocumented European workers.

The human travel mobility battle is lost. Bureaucrats have won control.

The question is whether Canada is for the rule of law in labour mobility or whether bureaucrats and their stakeholders are wedded to the exclusion and exploitation of European workers.  

Given their recent track record, I’m not hopeful that Immigration officials will make the right recommendations to their Minister.
Richard Boraks, April 12 2016  

Monday, April 11, 2016

OTTAWA — The European Union doesn't expect to resolve its visa dispute with Canada by a Tuesday deadline, forcing it to trigger a process that could see Canadians forced to get visas to visit 26 EU countries.
The 28-country bloc sees no prospect of meeting the deadline to settle a dispute over a Canadian visa requirement for travellers from Romania and Bulgaria, EU sources told The Canadian Press on Friday.
Though it would take several months for the visa rules to come into force, Tuesday's meeting of the EU College of Commissioners looks set to re-ignite a nasty public spat in a year when Canada and the EU are hoping to finally ratify their landmark free-trade deal, which has been seven years in the making.
Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the EU's executive commission, personally placed the matter on the college's Tuesday agenda to comply with a two-year-old EU regulation that forces it to seek visa reciprocity with Canada, the United States and other countries, sources said.
The issue has not crept up on Canada: notice of the non-reciprocity action was published in EU journals on April 12, 2014, which started a two-year clock ticking. Once it expires, the European Commission is obliged to move forward with a "delegated act" that essentially gets the ball rolling towards imposing a retaliatory, one-year visa requirement on Canadian travellers.
"It is a political commission and therefore they need to have a political discussion on the topic," said one source.
"If non-reciprocity still exists on Tuesday — which we can be pretty sure of — the commission will be obliged to adopt that delegated act on a temporary suspension of the visa waiver for 12 months."
Canadians who have booked a springtime visit to Paris or a summer excursion to Pamplona's running of the bulls need not fret just yet.
Even if Canada does nothing to resolve the issue, it could take anywhere from four to nine months for the visa to take effect because of various EU rules.
The European Parliament and Commission will have four months to block the "delegated act" if a majority vote in either of those bodies fails to uphold it. Given high stakes of the Canada-EU free trade deal, it is possible that many European countries will break ranks with their Bulgarian and Romanian colleagues.
But the brinkmanship has left EU officials and politicians exasperated.
Representatives from Canada, the EU, Bulgaria and Romania have met four times since the EU filed notice on the issue, but no progress has been made, said another source.
In January, a Romanian member of the European Parliament wrote to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Immigration Minister John McCallum and International Trade Minister Chrystia Freeland, urging in strong language that the Liberals solve the problem.
European lawmaker Sorin Moisa wrote that removing visas for Romanians and Bulgarians "would not bring any risks for Canada, would remove some of the real political risks to CETA's adoption and would spare both the EU and Canada an embarrassing legal and political row."
The EU's embassy in Ottawa declined comment.
Felix Corriveau, a spokesman for McCallum, said Canadian officials in Ottawa and Brussels are "heavily engaged in a very positive, ongoing dialogue with Romania, Bulgaria and the European Commission."
"Canada's visa policy is not based on reciprocity," he added, saying it tries to strike a balance between welcoming visitors to Canada and "protecting the health, safety and security of Canadians."
Corriveau said visa policy is not linked in any way to free trade agreements.
Moisa, a member of the European Parliament's trade committee, disagrees.
"While I have never made the CETA-visa link myself, the EU-Canada summit that closed the CETA negotiations in September 2014 did it with utmost clarity," he writes.
A joint statement calling for visa-free travel for all Canadian and EU citizens was issued after the summit.
If a visa requirement were imposed on Canadian travellers, it would affect only the 26 countries of the EU's Schengen Area, with Britain and Ireland exempt.
The United States faces the same retaliation as Canada because it requires  visas for visitors from Romania and Bulgaria as well as Croatia, Cyprus and Poland.
Mike Blanchfield, The Canadian Press
The source: http://www.nationalnewswatch.com/2016/04/08/canada-faces-tuesday-eu-visa-deadline-in-long-running-romania-bulgaria-spat-2/#.Vwu-FPkrLIU

Welcome to the new multi-lateral world of visas

 CETA: a wakeup call

Canada has mastered the art of negotiating visitor visas on a bilateral basis. Ottawa always had the whip hand in calling the shots on bilateral visa restrictions It was like shooting fish in a barrel.    

But Canada has never before negotiated visas with a multilateral powerhouse, let alone a group of hard ball Europeans who have a signed CETA‘s mobility rights agreement.

While smug Canadian negotiators see a weakened Europe struggling with 2 million refugees etc in a population of 500,000,000 , the EU sees 400,000 black market workers, mostly EU citizens, subsidizing Ontario’s population of 12 million.

Europe has 1 foreign problem for every 250 Europeans.

Ontario has 1 black market worker for every 35 Ontarians.

While Ottawa trots out mundane arguments of Roma refugees and overstaying visitors, the Europeans are loading the gun with the silver bullet of CETA prohibited black market European undocumented workers.

Canada will use the old arguments of a few Roma refugees costing a few dollars on welfare etc.

Europe will want the $2-3 billion subsidy that Canada is pumping annually into its economy on the backs of undocumented European workers. 

Canada will try the line about protecting our borders.

Europe will remind Canada that CETA’s mobility rights agreement trumps our ability to use the border as an excuse to cheat workers and subsidize production.

Dealing with the Euro Darth Vaders is not the same as pushing the natives around in the Commonwealth or Francophonie.

Ottawa will fold before the old colonial masters.  
Richard Boraks, April 8 2016

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Express Entry Year-End Report 2015

Express Entry Overview

Launched in January 2015, Express Entry is Canada’s application management system for certain economic immigration programs including the Federal Skilled Worker Program, Federal Skilled Trades Program, Canadian Experience Class and a portion of the Provincial Nominee program.

Express Entry was designed with three main objectives in mind: 1) flexibility in selection and application management, 2) responsiveness to labour market and regional needs and 3) speed in application processing. Although there have been adjustments to the system during its first year and policy concerns expressed by stakeholders, Express Entry has met its expectations.

Over 31,000 invitations to apply to permanent residence have been issued to a diverse range of highly skilled immigrants and almost 10,000 individuals (principal applicants and their family) have already landed in Canada as permanent residents. Key findings indicate that professors were in the top ten occupations list and that many international students fare well in Express Entry.

Provinces, territories and employers have successfully used Express Entry to fulfill regional and labour market needs. Express Entry increases the labour market responsiveness of the immigration system through a greater role for employers who can recruit economic immigrants using the new system. When an employer is unable to find a qualified Canadian or permanent resident for a job, they can be matched with qualified Express Entry candidates through the Government of Canada’s Job Bank. All jobs offered to Express Entry candidates need to be supported by a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) to ensure the authenticity and genuineness of job offers, that the prevailing wage is respected and that employers consider Canadians and permanent residents to meet their labour needs first.

In addition, the processing time commitment of 6-months for 80% of cases has been met and Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) will continue to monitor the performance of Express Entry and make adjustments as necessary.

Express Entry Results to Date

In the first several months of operation, IRCC planned for small and regular invitation rounds. This allowed for any necessary adjustments to the system, therefore ensuring program integrity and success. It also allowed the department to continue processing applications received prior to the launch of Express Entry.  Those applications will continue to be processed throughout 2016 until completion.  As anticipated, small and frequent invitation rounds in the first year have shaped the results to-date. For example, a large number of foreign nationals already working in Canada have received invitations to apply because they have job offers supported by an LMIA which awarded them 600 additional points under the Express Entry system. These early invitation rounds have also likely included foreign nationals who were unable to apply as an economic applicant before Express Entry because of occupation caps or because application space for programs was surpassed. More recently, the number of invitations to apply to the Provincial Nominee Program has increased as Provinces and Territories gain experience with the system.

Future invitation rounds from the Express Entry pool will become the main source of applications to meet annual immigration levels targets for certain economic immigration programs under the Express Entry system as the older inventories are reduced.

Express Entry Profiles submitted to the Express Entry Pool
Those who meet the criteria of one of the federal immigration programs managed by the Express Entry system (i.e. Federal Skilled Worker, Canadian Experience Class and Federal Skilled Trades Program) are accepted into a pool of candidates.  Provincial Nominees participating in Express Entry must also meet the criteria of one of these three federal immigration programs.

As of January 3, 2016, a total of 191,279 Express Entry profiles were submitted by foreign nationals. Of these, 88,048 were found not eligible because they did not meet the criteria of at least one of the three programs managed by the system; 1,303 were pending due to Job Bank registration or verification of their Provincial Nomination by a Province or Territory; 63,937 were in the pool as active candidates or with an outstanding invitation to apply; and, the remaining 37,991 profiles have left the pool. Exit from the Express Entry pool occurs when a profile expired after being in the pool for a year or when a candidate does not decline an invitation to apply and does not submit an application in the 60-day mandatory period (2,656 profiles were expired as of January 3, 2016); when a profile is withdrawn from the pool by a candidate (13,684 as of January 3, 2016); or, when an application is submitted for processing (21,651 applications as of January 3, 2016).

Candidates who decline their invitation to apply are returned to the pool as active candidates.

Profiles submitted to the Express Entry Pool as of January 3rd, 2016
Profiles submitted   191,279
Not eligible   88,048
Pending        1,303
Profiles in the pool as of January 3rd, 2016
Active candidates    60,042
Invitation to apply outstanding     3,895
Profiles no longer in the pool as of January 3rd, 2016
Expired          2,656
Profile withdrawn from the pool   13,684

Applications submitted for processing

Richard Boraks, April 5 2016
Bullshit Baffles Brains

Express Entry 2015 Report

Attached are a few samples taken from this week’s Canada Immigration report touting the apparent success of the Express Entry system in 2015. 

Even by Ottawa standards, the report wins the Potemkin Village award for deceit.
…a Potemkin village describes a structure built solely to deceive others into thinking that some situation is better than it really is.

Express Entry was sold as a solution to economic immigration backlogs and economic demographic shortfalls. Government would respond in real time to the real economic needs of the economy. In particular, Canadian employers would be well served.

The Report expects us to believe that Express Entry has moved the yard sticks forward on economic immigration.

The 2015 report stands as testament to the conclusion that Express Entry has been a Trojan Horse designed to savage the Federal Skilled Worker, Canadian Experience Class and Federal Skilled Trades Worker programs.

In order to understand the scope of the Report’s treachery one has to compare the number of 2015 Express Entry landings with the 2014 landings generated by the same CEC, FSW and FSTP programs minus the administrative “facilitation “ of Express Entry .

  • The 2015 Express Entry landings for CEC, FWS and FSTP were 10,000, including spouses and dependents

There is no breakdown for how many skilled trades program were issued in 2015. We have to assume that there was no increase from the 11 visas in 2013 and the zero visas in 2014

See :www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/reports/ee-year-end-2015.asp report.

  • The 2014 landings for CEC, FWS and FSTP were, including spouses and dependents … 91,271 including zero FSTP    

See: www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/statistics/facts2014/permanent/02.asp

What all this means is as follows:

  •   In 2015 , Canada let in 900% fewer legal workers and dependents

  • The shortfall in legal workers was reduced substantially by illegal workers

How is Canada to survive this type of nonsense?

Why hasn’t John McCallum put the whip to his staff?

Richard Boraks, April 5 2016