Wednesday, November 19, 2014


"November 19, 2014  

Express Entry = The Bangalore Immigration Act

I just came back from a Law Society immigration seminar. Ottawa chiefs came down to provide Toronto natives with wisdom and instruction.

I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

Here we have 500,000 illegal workers in the GTA, including tens of thousands of successfully established skilled trades persons, and the geniuses in Ottawa are sending Canadian immigration staff to Bangalore to fast track IT workers who “may” have the ability to establish themselves successfully in Canada after they arrive.

No one asked the obvious question:  Why not send some immigration officers to Toronto and check out trades workers who are already successfully here?

The entire exercise reminded me of my time back in the early 1970’s when I was a young exchange student in a communist country. I was there to observe bureaucrats screwing up the economy. The communist apparatchiks had an explanation for everything and an understanding of nothing.

The communists had millions of skilled workers and lot of government but no  private sector. A few years later the system collapsed.

Which brings me back to Canada. We have a lot of government telling the private sector what to do with workers that do not exist.

Toronto prays that we can continue to survive by ignoring Ottawa. Her Majesty pretends to manage the work place .We pretend to be managed. The cost of this deception is high.

Another interesting problem is with the extraction sectors. 

The attached article about Chinese oil investors makes the point that the law abiding extraction investors will not survive without skilled workers. They have yet to figure out how to ignore Ottawa.  

Perhaps next year’s seminar will ask the question:  How does an army of white collar Canadians from Bangalore find work in a Canada without the blue collars to run the oil patch or build the subways.

The answer is simple…Just move our immigration officers to Bangladesh and approve the English speaking folks  who will always manage to find the paperwork confirming their experience in whatever trade you want."      

Richard Boraks, November 19, 2014

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